
Scriptures- Reading or Studying?

After reading the Book of Mormon every night with my kids, I have come to the realization that we are simply reading the scriptures together and not truly studying them.

This really bugged me at first. We are told to "feast" upon the words.

But I have come the realization that until my children can really read and focus, that my job, as their parent, is to expose them to the words of the prophets. To build a habit of opening and reading the words of God. This will hopefully transfer to their later lives when they have the cognitive ability truly read and comprehend in a way that will allow them to ponder on the principles that are being taught. I know that as our family ages together, this precious time that will have become a habit, will be a time to truly study and discuss the gospel truths that are waiting to be shared.

While I look forward to that day, I am going to take the time to truly cherish the special moments that I am privileged to share with my sweet kids and the Word of God.

Keep the Faith...

1 comment:

In The Doghouse said...

I believe that right now you are simply establishing a pattern that will benefit them for the rest of their lives. Great job!

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