
Why Hast Thou Forsaken Me...

I hear these words and I feel chills to my bone. How terrible the pain must have been for our Savior to cry to his father. Not a physical pain, I think, but the spirit of his father withdrew, to allow the Son to have full honor in glory knowing that he accomplished his mission of his on will and choice and free so the sustaining support of his father for that instant. How amazing was this man from Galilee, who knew from a child what is purpose and calling in life was and set about his father's work without hesitation and complaining. What an inspiration my Savior is. Oh that I could be even a millionth of what he was and is...

Keep the Faith

1 comment:

Mindy said...

And how amazing that we can share in that work. Whenever I get discouraged I try to remember what Joseph Smith was told in Liberty Jail in D&C 122. The Lord knows our path and will not allow the adversary to overcome us, even when times seem most difficult.

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